Author admin

30 Oct

What NOT to do after rhinoplasty? Pay attention!

One ​​of the most common operations within aesthetic surgeries is what is known as rhinoplasty or nose surgery. It is evident that the nose occupies a central place in the face, and therefore largely defines the appearance of people. That is why many people decide to correct its shape or size to make it more […]


21 Oct

How long is the recovery from liposuction?

Liposuction is one of the most widely used techniques in aesthetic treatments throughout the world. It can be done as a single procedure, or combined with other operations. In many cases, it is part of a more complex process that seeks to modify the overall appearance of people. The objective of this procedure is to […]


15 Oct

What is the most common breast implant size?

When performing surgery to place a breast implant, one of the biggest concerns of patients is its size. Something reasonable since, depending on the size of the implant, the physical appearance of the person will also be affected. That is why many often ask what the most common breast implant size is, and if you […]


8 Oct

How to sleep after arm lift surgery?

Within the world of cosmetic surgery, there are many procedures aimed at turning and modeling the different parts of the body. One little known but very interesting is brachioplasty. It is the technique that seeks to improve the appearance of the arms, by eliminating excess fat and skin that can be annoying, especially when weight […]


30 Sep

How to sleep after rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries that patients choose to undergo. It is a procedure that rebuilds the shape of the nose to make it more attractive and, in many cases, reduce its size. Like any other operation, it entails certain care in the postoperative period to have an adequate and smooth […]


23 Sep

Does otoplasty affect hearing?

Many people are considering otoplasty, or cosmetic ear surgery. The main objective of this operation is to change the shape, size or position of the ears to give the face a more stylized appearance. There are many particular reasons for having this operation: ears that are too far from the head, an injury that caused […]


15 Sep

Is arm lift surgery worth it?

The arms are usually a part of the body that is not very taken into account among the first options of aesthetic treatments. However, they constitute a fundamental part of the body due to their usefulness and exposure, since they are usually uncovered for a good part of the day, especially in the summer. Among […]


8 Sep

How much fat can be removed with liposuction?

Liposuction is the most chosen and performed cosmetic procedure in the United States. The fundamental objective is to remove excess fat from certain areas of the body such as the abdomen, back or face. The techniques used can be very variable, but they always include some type of incision through which the fat is aspirated. […]