How Long Do Tempsure Envi Results Last?

With revolutionary plastic surgery techniques, it is now possible to tighten your skin, soften your fine lines, and give your face the overall appearance you desire. What’s more surprising is that it will only take you 20 minutes and have virtually zero side effects or downtime. Radiofrequency technology has come a long way, and what was once too good to be true is now being administered in plastic surgery. TempSure Envi can provide you all these benefits. It is a renowned anti-aging strategy procedure that uses a heating device that emits radio frequency waves deep within your skin to stimulate collagen production. Learn more from this content as Dr. Carlos Spera—a renowned plastic surgeon in Miami discusses the healing benefits of TempSure Envi and how long its results last.

What is TempSure Envi?

TempSure Envi is a non-invasive plastic surgery procedure to rejuvenate your skin. It uses radiofrequency energy to tighten skin and smooth fine lines. This FDA-approved plastic surgery treatment is administered primarily to minimize the appearance of frown lines, forehead lines, crow’s feet, and smile lines. TempSure Envi harnesses radiofrequency energy waves that work to provoke the natural healing response in your skin and regenerate the collagen that provides its structure. It also delivers heat deep within your skin, where new collagen is produced.

What to expect following TempSure Envi?

Following your plastic surgery treatment, your skin works to renew itself, which leads to a skin tightening effect. Although there are similar devices used to rejuvenate skin, TempSure Envi is the only device of its kind to produce radiofrequency energy that stimulates the nerves so minimally. Hence, it allows providers to use a relatively high temperature and prompt faster results without feeling any pain.  This safe plastic surgery treatment is suitable for all skin tones and types, and there is no downtime needed. While the surface temperature remains at a comfortable level, patients who undergo TempSure Envi describe the treatment as relaxing and soothing. It ideally works on a series of treatments. Dr. Carlos Spera—a renowned plastic surgeon in Miami will give you a personalized treatment plan, but you are expected to undergo at least four sessions, with 2- to 4-week intervals, to achieve optimal results.

How long does the result of TempSure Envi last?

Although the results from TempSure Envi and the new collagen fibers produced are lasting, they are still subject to the future effects of gravity and the aging process. While TempSure Envi is not a substitute for a facelift procedure, this radiofrequency treatment can put off the need for plastic surgery. While visible improvements are noticeable immediately following your appointment, the maximum results take place over 4-6 weeks. During these periods, the new collagen continues to regenerate beneath the surface of your skin, and your face becomes visibly tighter and smoother and has an overall youthful look. To diminish and fend off new wrinkles, Dr. Carlos Spera—a renowned plastic surgeon in Miami recommends getting maintenance sessions every six to 12 months. Generally, results from TempSure Envi are noticeable almost immediately after the procedure. Patients who undergo TempSure Envi observed a renewed tone and tighter-looking skin following the first procedure. However, it is noteworthy that results will vary from one patient to another depending on their skin type, age, and skin condition. In any case, results from TempSure Envi will continuously improve for several weeks following the procedure.

Key takeaway

While traditional plastic surgery procedures like facelift require invasive techniques and significant downtime, TempSure Envi is a non-invasive option to tighten your facial skin significantly. Dr. Carlos Speraa renowned plastic surgeon in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach  is committed to providing the highest quality of care possible in TempSure Envi and other plastic surgery procedures. For more inquiries with this procedure, do not hesitate to contact us today to discuss your concerns and goals to get the absolute most of the treatment.  

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