Eight essential tips for hair transplant recovery in Miami

8 Essential Tips for Hair Transplant in Miami Recovery

hair transplant in Miami As plastic surgery goes, a hair transplant in Miami is known to be a fairly easy procedure. There is no general anesthesia and no surgical instruments to be administered, leaving you no scars. They are also easy to recover from. Patients who undergo follicular unit extraction are satisfied because of how easy it is to recover from, considering little downtime. Nevertheless, Dr. Carlos Spera—a renowned Plastic Surgery in Miami provides you some tips on which you should know about hair transplant recovery.
  1. Refrain from exercise and strenuous activities for a while. To allow a quick recovery process after you undergo a hair transplant, you are highly encouraged to refrain from strenuous physical activities for at least two weeks. But we recommend that you only bend down using your knees and not your waist. This will avoid blood from rushing on your head due to strenuous activities for an extended period.
Moreover, stay away from exercises that will lead you to excessive sweating. If you have daily routine exercises, it is essential to ask your plastic surgeon about these exercise routines to know if they can be detrimental to the healing process.
  1. Wash your hair with proper care. Many patients who undergo hair transplants worry about washing their hair, considering the newly implanted grafts that can be potentially risky when they are got wet. You can safely wash your hair after two days, but if you want to extend it, it is fine, too. However, do not apply shampoo directly to your head. Instead, put a small drop in a cap. Next, fill the cup with water to make it a bubbly mix to pour over your head, and then rinse with more water from the cup. This will make sure that you are treating your hair grafts the gentlest way possible, yet compromising for greasy hair. Also, do not shower directly with your head for the first week. After that, you can now treat your hair as you usually would.
  1. Wear a hat after three days. Wait before wearing a loose-fitting hat at least three days after you undergo a hair transplant. After five days, you can now wear tightly fitting hats or whatever hat of your choice. That time, your plastic surgeon would have to surgically remove the grafts from your head after five days to have any chance of pulling them out. There is nothing you can do after more than five days after an air transplant that would cause your grafts to fall out.
  1. Keep your head elevated. It is usual for patients to have swelling after hair transplant on the third to fourth day. To prevent swelling, Dr. Carlos Spera—a renowned Plastic Surgery in Miami advises you to keep your head elevated for the first week. It is best if you sleep in a recliner instead of in your bed.
  1. Refrain from scratching your head. On the first few days of your recovery, you usually feel itchiness in your scalp. Refrain from scratching your head to make sure that the scabs are undisturbed or not irritated. You can rub a little amount of conditioner that can help against itchiness. You can also apply ice just above your eyebrows and not directly to the transplanted area.
  1. Stay away from direct sunlight. Try not to expose your scalp to direct sunlight for two weeks. Taking a vacation during your hair transplant recovery is recommended, but make sure that you stay out of direct sunlight.
  1. Avoid putting hair dye. It is fine to dye your hair right before your hair transplant, but you should refrain from applying it for at least one month afterward. The chemicals can be detrimental in your still frail hair grafts as they are still taking roots.
  1. Refrain from smoking and alcoholic beverages. We encourage you to avoid nicotine products and alcohol that would negatively impact your blood flow and hair growth recovery process.
Contact us now! We hope that the aforementioned tips will greatly benefit your hair transplant in Miami recovery process. If you have any other queries regarding hair transplants, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Carlos Spera—a renowned Plastic Surgery in Miami. We need to make the best choice and happy with your decision. Undergoing a hair transplant in Miami is a big step, and we want to ensure that you are provided with the necessary information before you start so that you have a successful and quick recovery.

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