The SmartGraft Hair Restoration Method

Dr. Carlos Spera offers the best technique of SmartGraft plastic surgery in Miami for all people who want to restore their good looks and youth by hair transplantation...

The SmartGraft Hair Restoration Method

Nowadays hair loss is a big problem common in both men, women, and children irrespective of their age. Dr. Carlos Spera offers the best technique of SmartGraft plastic surgery in Miami for all people who want to restore their good looks and youth by hair transplantation.

The Smartgraft device used by the micro-hair restoration transplant in Miami allows a person to fight the problem of hair loss with their hair. In this procedure small the area of the head with healthy hair growth is shaved to remove the grafts. These grafts are immediately counted, sorted and stored in a hydrated and controlled environment. The last step is creating very small openings on the implantation site to implant the collected grafts.

SmartGraft is considered as one of the most cost-effective single day processes for full hair growth. The smartgraft device was developed by medical scientists and engineers to perform the hair restoration process in a more quick and safe way of delivering natural results. Once this process is done, complete hair growth can be experienced in a period of 9 to 12 months. The main plus point of this method is that there won’t be any interruption in one’s lifestyle post the SmartGraft process.

The Hair restoration in Miami offers natural results with more than one transplant options without any gender specifics. They provide the most advanced FUE method for hair restoration in Miami in which individual follicles from the donor site of the head are harvested without any stitches or scalpel.

When the best surgeon in Miami performs the hair restoration method, what is there to worry? Have a hair transplant and present yourself with more confidence. For more and detailed information regarding plastic surgery in Miami or hair restoration in Miami, please visit


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