What NOT to do after rhinoplasty? Pay attention!

One ​​of the most common operations within aesthetic surgeries is what is known as rhinoplasty or nose surgery. It is evident that the nose occupies a central place in the face, and therefore largely defines the appearance of people. That is why many people decide to correct its shape or size to make it more attractive. In addition, in many cases, due to injuries or accidents, reconstruction is necessary in this area of ​​the body. There are many reasons for having this surgery, but one important thing to keep in mind is the aftercare that is required. That's why we thought of this guide on what not to do after rhinoplasty to share some recommendations.

Advice on what not to do after rhinoplasty

All surgical interventions require certain subsequent care, in order to achieve a good recovery in the shortest possible time. In some cases, the advice is usually quite typical, such as resting, not demanding the body or maintaining a good diet and hydration. This can be very helpful, no matter what surgery the patient has had. However, there are also other more specific recommendations according to each intervention. For example, in the case of rhinoplasty, it is highly recommended to keep the dressings clean and hygienic to avoid any risk of infection. It can also be useful to apply cold to the area to reduce inflammation and calm the pain a little. But if we talk about what not to do after rhinoplasty, we must mention that we must avoid touching the wound as much as possible. Putting objects in the nose, touching your face a lot or even wearing glasses can be extremely inconvenient for recovery from the operation. Then, regarding the position of the head, the best recommendation is to hold the upper part of the body a little higher than the rest when lying down. This can be very beneficial during the first days after the intervention. Thus, it is possible to avoid excessive pressure on the sutures and reduce inflammation more quickly. There are some pillows specially designed for this purpose, although they are not strictly necessary. Maintaining an inclined position, for example by stacking several pillows, will be more than enough. This position should be maintained for the first few days, especially when sleeping. In addition, it is recommended that there are no other people or animals in the same bed. During the night, it is normal to make involuntary movements. This can cause someone else to hit the newly operated nose, causing damage to the suture or compromising the operation. If it is not possible to sleep in a separate bed, it is advisable to at least take certain precautions. Another thing not to do after rhinoplasty is to drink alcoholic beverages for days afterward. It is also important to avoid cigarettes and even passive smoking. Also, any physical activity that poses a risk should be postponed, so as not to accidentally hit the nose. In general, a good amount of rest is recommended, and gradually return to daily activities. Contact sports, due to the great probability of hitting, should be postponed for several months. It is also important not to blow your nose, as this can damage the sutures. If you have to sneeze, it is recommended to do it with your mouth open to release some of the pressure. Try to speak as little as possible and gesticulate little, not cry or laugh too hard, always as much as possible. All these movements involve the muscles of the face, including those of the nose, and can cause some damage.

What not to do after rhinoplasty in the following months

Approximately a month after the operation, you will be able to appreciate the final results. During this time, you may be able to return to a normal life, practically the same as the one you led before the intervention. However, during the first two or three months, unnecessarily sunbathing or exposing yourself to cold or wind are among the things not to do after rhinoplasty. Care must also be taken regarding sudden movements, risky sports or any activity that could mean a blow to the face. In addition to all these recommendations, it is important that you follow the advice of your doctor. Each patient has particular characteristics, and each case is different. Therefore, doctors can offer a series of instructions applicable to your particular case, which you should follow without a doubt. Dr. Carlos Spera is a specialist in cosmetic surgery with extensive experience and confidence. He is trained to evaluate his case and offer the best treatment, according to his needs. Do not hesitate to make an appointment at our clinic to start giving your face and body a new shape and appearance. Finally, the recommendations of the doctors are essential. Within what not to do after rhinoplasty, we must include self-medication. When specialists recommend a certain medication, either to improve healing or to relieve pain, it is important that you take all the indications into account. Taking the medication in its correct dose and with the precise times is important to complete an adequate treatment. His health is at stake, so if you have any questions, consult our specialists. They will be able to give you the best solution.

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